







English as a tool

 To better prepare students for life after their formal education ends, the English teachers and Homeroom teachers have asked the question “How do students best learn?” We know that students always learn best when the topic is challenging but still within grasp of their potential. This means that all teachers will work to find the best balance of support for each individual student as their learning progresses.
With the above idea in mind, the 6th grade class is spending the year learning to use English as a tool for communication as well as a means for studying subject matter. We are moving the focus of the English classes past remembering/understanding/applying to a larger focus on complex as well meaningful uses of the English language.
 In collaboration with the 6th grade math teacher, we are looking for ways to show the students that English is not a subject to be memorized but a tool that allows them to learn new concepts and communicate ideas that they want to express.
In May, we spent a lesson measuring the shadow that is casted by the flag pole in the school yard. Before the students and teachers went outside to measure the shadow, both the math teacher and Native English teacher introduced the main concepts and useful language in both English and Japanese.
 While outside the students worked together in pairs to measure the shadow that casted by their own ruler. The students did their best to use the target language with their partners. Using the worksheet, the students used their data to solve the problem “How tall is the flag pole?” While studying in a second language is not an easy task, the students remained focused with support from their fellow students and teachers but felt a large sense of pride when they could understand how to use the ratio equation to find the answer to the problems.
 The English and Homeroom teachers look forward to challenging the 6th graders in many more ways during the year.

(小学校教諭 松本セイラ)